Bek and Char Review: Jason Bourne

The Escapades

bek and char

Movie Review: Jason Bourne

Char: Before venturing solo to the movies last night, Bek and I had a conversation that went something like this:

Char: I’m thinking of seeing Bourne.

Bek: It got 57%. Star Trek got 83%.

Char: I know. But I like seeing Matt Damon hurting people.

Bek: I already saw it. Two hours I won’t get back … I mean … enjoy ….

… Later…

Char: So, I wasn’t expecting much. And that’s what I got. Jason Bourne is the latest outing in the Bourne franchise, directed by someone called Greengrass (who also directed the second and third Bourne films). It’s got Matt Damon (which we have to say since the last one had JRen), Julia Stiles (for a little while), Tommy Lee Jones and a woman who suspiciously resembles the evil pharaoh from Stargate.


Char: Apart from this new character, all the actors look suitably…

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Maria V. Snyder interviews + then gives away things! (books, that is)

I was very privileged to be interviewed recently by the wonderful Maria V. Snyder. If you haven’t read her Study Series, I can’t recommend them enough. I was also fortunate enough to stalk meet her at Supernova at the Gold Coast.

BEHOLD - PHOTO PROOF OF MEETING! (And please don't ask me what's going on with my hair, I have no idea why it's so fluffy).
Please don’t ask me what’s going on with my hair, I have no idea why it’s so fluffy. Waaah.


Anyway… along with the interview (full of the witty), there also a THREE BOOK GIVEAWAY (No, not her books – MINE). Read the words & enter the giveway!!

Huzzah! Release night fun!

Last night was official launch party for Threader. Chocolate was thrown and fun was had. Cue photos!

Me realising I can’t remember any answers to questions
The interviewer, Charlotte Nash, stalling while I think of smart wordz


Me talking with eyes closed. TALENT RIGHT THERE
Me talking with eyes closed. TALENT RIGHT THERE
Me throwing books at random strangers
Me throwing books at random strangers
The insane electric skateboard my little brother showed up on.
The insane electric skateboard my little brother showed up on.
Some dodgey babes I found (could be some awesome friends)
Some dodgey babes I found (could be some awesome friends)


The very talented and most incredible Alex Adsett
The very talented and most incredible Alex Adsett

Release Day! Erm… yesterday… BUT STILL!

Woohoo! Release day (yesterday) for Threader! I’m very, very, very excited.Can you tell? Thank you to Big W staff for not calling security…

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THREADER – buy me! love me! review me!

ThreaderWelcome to the Helios Academy: evolve or die

It’s the year 2050 and life is increasingly hard for ‘non-citizens’. A slowly emerging young minority  has been exposed as ‘talents’;  they harbour mutations that give them special gifts – super strength, regenerative powers,  psychic gifts or the ability to sink through shadows and travel through time and space. As governments unite to form a global talent registry and powerful corporations step in to take control, a ‘talent’ can be a passport to citizenship and a better life, but there is a cost as Josie Ryder is about to discover.

Orphaned at six, Josie Ryder has been raised by her uncle. Her talent is an unusual one: she is a threader, able to weave a combination of psychic talents around others to manipulate their powers. Working in her uncle’s antique store and dreaming of a better life, Josie has done everything to keep a promise to her late father: stay off the global talent registry and keep her talents hidden. But as Josie tries to make ends meet with the occasional illegal act, she risks a third strike with local law enforcement and, desperate for a better life, Josie finally breaks her promise to her father’s memory and sends an enquiry to the prestigious Helios Academy, a training facility in a distant country for talents. When the Helios Academy respond  by sending mysterious slider, Blake Galloway to extract Josie, then offer her a position at their select and highly competitive institution, things begin to get really interesting, and more than a little dangerous…

Cover Reveal – BITE DEEP

9781760370350What’s that? You want to read about biker werewolves in Tasmania? Look no further!
BITE DEEP comes out April!

Check out more details HERE

Ben ‘Bulldog’ Jericho, president of the Diablo Dogs motorcycle club and werewolf alpha, bears the grim burden of leadership, punishing any who stray from pack rules. When one of his own is murdered, he knows justice must be served.

Constable Lydia Gault has fled a traumatic past on the mainland for her Tasmanian hometown of Camden — and she has blood ties to hunters of Jericho’s kind.

Now, Lydia and Jericho must join forces to hunt a killer, even as pack politics and werewolf hunters intrude on the small town, threatening to re-ignite an ancient war.

Bek and Char review: Deadpool

Another movie review!

The Escapades


Bek: Directed by Tim Miller in his directing debut, Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds as the red-clad anti-hero, Morena Baccarin as the love interest and Ed Skrein as the villain.


The plot goes something like this: after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, former Special Forces-turned-mercenary, Wade Wilson (Reynolds) undergoes experimental treatment by the nasty Francis (Skrein). By the end of it, Wade is kind of immortal, but also hideously deformed and takes on the alter ego, Deadpool. The rest of the movie is Wade hunting Francis, so he can get his pretty-boy good looks back and return to his true love.


So, I didn’t mind this movie. It was a thousand miles better than Deadpool’s first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which left me wanting to gouge my own eyes out with my slushy straw.

Get-PaidChar: Wait, are we talking about that scene where Deadpool had his…

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